The Lima-Callao area has a population of 9 million andan economy worth US$66 billion in 2014. The preliminary results of our research indicate that the total energy bill for the city was US$4.7 billion and that the bill for waste and water was US$50 billion - meaning that 8% of everything earned in the local economy was spent on energy, water and waste.
New nuclear event at British Science Festival
9th September 2014
Held at the University of Birmingham the debate was centred on opportunities for the UK in developing the small modular reactor (SMR) – a nuclear reactor which has a capacity of 300MW or less. The debate included two rounds of voting by the audience which gauged its opinions on nuclear before and after the panellists had spoken.
After the lively debate at the University of Birmingham:
73% of the audience agreed that the UK should build new nuclear power stations
63% said that they would be happy to live close to an SMR
83% thought that it was impossible to have 100% of UK electricity from renewable energy (wind, solar and wave power)
SMRs are currently the subject of an inquiry led by UK MPs who will be questioning the Minister of State for Energy, the Rt Hon Matthew Hancock MP on Wednesday 10th September at the House of Commons. However 69% of the audience, who were predominantly interested in science but not energy professionals, had never heard of SMRs before the debate.
Please click here to access a press release of the event in full.