Energy Storage

In order to meet emission reduction targets, the world must urgently increase the supply of energy from renewable sources such as wind and solar. However, these technologies pose a logistical difficulty because of their intermittency. We can address this challenge by developing the capacity to store energy from renewable sources, allowing suppliers to meet peak demand when the wind stops blowing or clouds cover the sun. Failing to develop energy storage systems will mean either continued dependence on fossil fuels, investment in a vastly expanded renewable energy infrastructure or an increasingly unreliable energy supply.

The Centre for Low Carbon Futures energy storage programme covers technology development, demonstration activities, and market and policy analysis. We are integrating academic research with business needs and policy making. Our work areas include:

The potential of liquid air as an energy storage technology is demonstrated at Highview Power Station in the BBC's 'Bang goes the Theory' series.

Watch the programme below.


For further information on the Energy Storage programme, please contact:

Jonathan Radcliffe  - Programme Director, Energy Storage


Latest news

9th September, 2014
New nuclear event at British Science Festival
14th July, 2014
Energy storage report launch at Chatham House
11th July, 2014
Joint CLCF and University of Birmingham article in The Conversation