On 8th September members of the public quizzed a panel of energy experts on new nuclear technologies at an event organized by the Midlands Energy Consortium.
Recent news
14th July, 2014
Energy storage report launch at Chatham House
The Centre for Low Carbon Futures will today launch its latest report on energy storage at Chatham House in London. The report focuses on the vital role of international collaboration for energy storage innovation and is a product of international research undertaken by CLCF in Korea.
11th July, 2014
Joint CLCF and University of Birmingham article in The Conversation
Professor Martin Freer, Director of the Centre for Nuclear Education and Research at the University of Birmingham and Omar Saeed, Researcher at the Centre for Low Carbon Futures have had an article on small modular reactors published online by The Conversation.
24th June, 2014
Professor Martin Freer gives evidence on small nuclear power to the Select Committee
Professor Martin Freer, Director of the Centre for Nuclear Education and Research at the University of Birmingham, gave evidence to the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee today for their inquiry into small nuclear power.
23rd June, 2014
Climate Smart Cities Report Launch - Malaysia
The Malaysia Climate Smart Cities report was launched today in the city of Johor Bahru.
11th June, 2014
'Clean and Cool Summit' on liquid air at IMechE
The IMechE will be launching a report on 01.07.2014 focused on the use of liquid air as a tool in preventing food wastage in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.
4th June, 2014
Launch of 'Liquid Air on the Highway' report today at SMMT in London today
In conjunction with CLCF, the Liquid Air Energy Network will today host a conference at the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) to launch the latest report on Liquid Air technology.
12th May, 2014
Launch of Lima Climate Smart Cities Report
The Centre for Low Carbon Futures (CLCF) was invited by the British Embassy of Peru and contracted by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office to deliver a project on the economics of a low carbon city for Lima-Callao, following an event chaired by CLCF at the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development.
30th April, 2014
CLCF Chief Executive Retires
Our Chief Executive Jon Price will be retiring after nearly 5 years in the role in May 2014 to focus on a new challenge.
'I've thoroughly enjoyed leading the development of the Centre for Low Carbon Futures from its initial origins as a Yorkshire based research organisation into one that has developed projects in China, India, Indonesia, Korea and Peru and helped members secure capital funds for national technology demonstrators.
1st April, 2014
Global food security: could wheat feed the world?
The International Wheat Yield Partnership forms to respond to rising wheat demands.
Click on the link for the full article: http://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2014...
Featured report

The Economics of Low Carbon, Climate Resilient Cities - Lima-Callao, Peru
The Lima-Callao area has a population of 9 million andan economy worth US$66 billion in 2014. The preliminary results of our research indicate that the total energy bill for the city was US$4.7 billion and that the bill for waste and water was US$50 billion - meaning that 8% of everything earned in the local economy was spent on energy, water and waste.