Event: Energy Storage official COP19 side event, 12th November 2013, Warsaw

12th November 2013, 3:00pm


The Centre for Low Carbon Futures, with Chatham House will host an official side event at the 19th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC in Warsaw, Poland, in November 2013. 

Tuesday 12th November, 15:00; Torun Room, National Stadium

‘Enabling an efficient transition to low carbon energy systems’

Chair: Jon Price, Centre for Low Carbon Futures

Panel:  Jane Burston, National Physical Laboratory; Antony Froggatt, Chatham House; David Wilk, Inter-American Development Bank; others tbc

The transition to low carbon energy systems, especially with increasing deployment of renewables, will introduce new challenges for balancing supply and demand. From increasing access to electricity in off-grid communities, and developing local smart grids, to more efficient transmission networks, new technologies can be a key enabler. The panel will provide insights on the challenges and how to overcome them, considering technology, policy, and socio-economic factors. Discussion will address specific opportunities from, and barriers to, deployment of energy storage technologies globally.

For more information please contact CLCF's Head of Energy Storage, Dr Jonathan Radcliffe: jonathan.radcliffe@lowcarbonfutures.org; Mobile: +44 (0)7891 075 667              


Contact name: 
Dr Jonathan Radcliffe

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