Event: Power Shift - What Will the Energy Landscape Look Like in 2050

14th January 2014, 4:00pm

Dr Jonathan Radcliffe attended a panel of energy experts from the Midlands for a public energy debate on 14th January 2014 at Loughborough University as part of the Midlands Energy Graduate School (MEGS).

The debate focused on exploring ways to ensure a steady supply of energy whilst cutting carbon emissions as well as the issues around fossil fuels and renewable energy. It also raised the question of what role we will all play as consumers in the challenge to move towards sustainable, clean energy sources.

The panel comprised of:

  • Chair: Peter Dodd - Energy Technologies Institute
  • Professor Colin Snape - Director of MEGS, University of Nottingham
  • Professor Kevin Lomas - Loughborough University
  • Dr Jonathan Radcliffe - University of Birmingham / CLCF
  • Professor Simon Watson - Loughborough University


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5th November, 2014
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