The Lima-Callao area has a population of 9 million andan economy worth US$66 billion in 2014. The preliminary results of our research indicate that the total energy bill for the city was US$4.7 billion and that the bill for waste and water was US$50 billion - meaning that 8% of everything earned in the local economy was spent on energy, water and waste.
Event: CO2 Utilization - What are the bottlenecks and how can they be tackled through EU policy?
26th September 2014, 1:00pm to 4:00pm
The SCOT project aims to develop a Strategic European Research Agenda aimed at improving the technical and economic performance of emerging CO2 transformation technologies. The SCOT network consists of five regions (Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands and UK) which are already involved in the emerging area of CO2 utilization. SCOT is the first European initiative in the field of CO2 utilization strategy.
As the consortium prepares a Joint Action Plan and Strategic Research Agenda, it wishes to gather stakeholder's views on what they key policy bottlenecks and their potential solutions.
Key presentations will cover:
- R+D funding priorities and policies
- Energy policy: Key developments affecting CDU
- What are the current barriers to CO2 fuels, chemicals and mineralization routes and would could policy to do solve them?
If you are interested in joining the discussions and contribution then please email Omar Saeed
Past events archive
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15th September, 2013